Israeli Troops reportedly abducted, earlier on Monday, at least 23 Palestinian residents, including a child and a former prisoner, across the Palestinian West Bank.

In Ramallah city, local sources confirmed that Israeli troops invaded the Almazr’a village, north of the city, as well as the Ni’lin village, to the west, before they abducted four residents, identified as Amro Abu Qre’, 24, an ex-prisoner, Mohammad Hannoun, 28 and his brother, Ahmad Hannoun, 26.

In the southern West Bank city of Hebron, Israeli troops abducted six residents, including Ameen Alsaleeby, 18, a high-school student and child Khalil Za’leeq, 16. Local sources in the city said that all those abducted were taken to an Israeli military post that is a part of the Israeli colonial settlement of Karmi Tsour, as well as to the Etzion military post, north of Hebron.

Also in Hebron, Israeli troops invaded the Tabqa village, south of the city and abducted Faker Abu Ras, 25 and Ahmad Abu Ras. The troops also invaded the al-Fawwar refugee camp in the city, before they abducted Ahmad Jamal and Ataiya Alnajjar, 36. Witnesses said that Israeli soldiers vandalized the homes of the two Palestinians, as well.

In the West Bank city of Jericho, Israeli troops abducted five other residents, after having invaded the Jiftlick village, north of the city. Local sources identified those abducted as Amin Annouz, Jom’a Jahaleen, Anwar Abu Jouda and his two sons Raed and Jehad.

Meanwhile, Israeli troops in the northern West Bank city of Tulkarem, abducted three residents from the Alshouka neighborhood, north of the city. They were identified as Abdallah Barakat, 25, Mohammad Hanoun, 26, Samir Subhi and Mohammad Mahdawi, 26.

In Nablus city, Israeli troops abducted three Palestinian residents after having invaded the Balata refugee camp. The abducted Palestinians were identified as Ayham Arayshi, 20, Mohammad Arasyshi, 20, Wa’el Abu Mustafa, 17.

In the meantime, sources in the internationally-recognized occupied East Jerusalem, Israeli troops abducted two Palestinians, identified as Jehad Qous and Rawhi Alkalghasi.

Noteworthy, Israeli troops’ practice of abduction has been recently been stepped up, as Israeli leaders have declared their intention to annex the Palestinian West Bank to the occupation state of Israel.

Many observers suggest that such an annexation is illegal, based on international law and relevant United Nations’ resolutions and that if Israel goes ahead with the plan, the region could enter a new cycle of violence.

According to United Nations’ Security Council resolution, 242 of 1967, Israel is an occupying power that should immediately withdraw its forces from Arab and Palestinian lands, including the West Bank, which it occupied by force in June 4, 1967.